Welcome back to the construction blog! Check out the progress photos of Central Elementary and Haverhill Elementary below.
At Central Elementary, brick is still being laid around the school's exterior, including colorful accent bricks around the windows. The second photo is a detailed view of workers installing exterior window frames at one of the building's corners.

If you've been following this blog for a while, you will notice a big change stepping inside the school - drywall has been hung!

The gathering stair has received framing on its side, including two sensory rooms for students needing a quieter space to enjoy their lunch.

Brickwork is also continuing over at Haverhill, including mango-colored accent bricks at the schools' entrances.

Haverhill's gathering stairs have also received side framing, and are currently in the process of being polished.

Haverhill will also have other auxiliary staircases apart from the main gathering stair, the last of which is currently being installed.

Finally, upstairs framing has been put upstairs, with drywall to be hung in the coming weeks.

Additional framing has given the downstairs offices their shape. The reddish wood you see is the backing that will enable cabinetry to be hung in the offices.

Check back in November to see how the schools have progressed!